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Hurricane Harvey: Chem Plant Crisis Communications

[by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications] The catastrophic after-effects of Hurricane Harvey continue to claim lives, destroy property, and wreak havoc across Texas and the gulf coast at this writing. Today, floodwaters have touched off reports of explosions and fires at Arkema, a French specialty chemicals and advanced materials company with facilities now underwater in Crosby, Texas. […]

Saying You’re Sorry

From Rick Seltzer, writing in Inside Higher Ed: For college and university presidents, the process of apologizing after high-profile missteps can seem to take as long as a tortoise walking a mile. As a result, the actions Wednesday of University of California, Irvine, Chancellor Howard Gillman stand out as noteworthy. Days after news broke that […]

What “The Mooch” Can Teach Us About Surreptitious Tape-Recording

No longer must you visit a “Spy Store” or RadioShack and pay big bucks for a miniature recording device.  Today’s high-definition audio and video recording devices are tiny, inexpensive – and nearly impossible to spot.  In fact, you probably already own one: your iPhone or Android device can easily make recordings with a wide variety […]

Lessons From Google’s Search To Protect Its Reputation

By Thom Fladung/Hennes Communications Any business leader who’s been caught in a hailstorm of criticism after an internal matter went viral must have had a surge of schadenfreude watching the Google diversity memo controversy. Google leadership was immersed in a crisis over an internal memo in large part because, well, people could Google it. Beyond […]

Bruce Hennes Named Industry Game-Changer by PRNews

Bruce Hennes, managing partner of Cleveland-based Hennes Communications, has been named one of 50 “Game-Changers of PR for 2017” by PRNews, one of the public relations profession’s leading news sources. Hennes was selected to join a group of industry leaders from corporations, non-profits and communications firms around the country who use their deep knowledge and […]

Reputation Checkup: Has United Learned from its Bad Behavior?

[By Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications] After the violent debacle with Dr. David Dao’s forcible removal from a United flight in April, United has vowed a cross-my-heart better customer experience, but we haven’t seen a whole lot of evidence that that’s happening. Complaints about the airline spiked after the Dao assault, and though United’s reputation tanked, […]

The Media Revolution is ‘Iterative’ and Social: Experts Share How Not to Get Left Behind

Earlier this year, Bruce Hennes and Thom Fladung spoke at the American Bar Association’s Annual Mid-Year Conference, held in Miami, Florida. Their remarks were captured by Marilyn Cavicchia, writing for the ABA’s Bar Leader Magazine: “You’re all living in a media revolution,” said Thom Fladung, vice president of Hennes Communications. “And you don’t even know it.” […]

The Scout Lesson: If Trump Comes to Speak, Be Prepared (for Anything)

[By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications] Since the 1920’s, the president of the United States has had a standing invitation to attend and address the Boy Scout Jamboree, held every four years.  And most presidents have accepted that invitation, using the occasion to deliver similar messages about God, apple pie and reflect on the Scout’s Code […]

Inside the Crisis Management War Room

One day your luck suddenly runs out, and you’re consumed by a crisis that threatens to destroy everything you and your team have worked so hard to build. Rumors go viral on social media. News reporters fill your voice mail and email with interview requests. Work grinds to a halt and your staff wants answers. […]

Wall Street Journal’s Suggestion Of ‘Radical Transparency’ For Trump Is Spot-on – But It’s Not Radical

[By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications] The Wall Street Journal editorial board has a solution for the Russia scandal that the board suggests offers President Donald Trump “the best chance of saving his Presidency: radical transparency.” The editorial adds: “Release everything to the public ahead of the inevitable leaks. …every Trump family member, campaign operative and White […]

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