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Facts Don’t Change People’s Minds. Here’s What Does.

From Ozan Varol: If you had asked me this question–How do you change a mind?–two years ago, I would have given you a different answer. As a former scientist, I would have cautioned you to rely on objective facts and statistics. Develop a strong case for your side, back it up with hard, cold, irrefutable […]

Equifax Apologizes

We have never read such a complete and abject apology by a corporation. Not only does the interim CEO of Equifax apologize profusely, he clearly states what they have done and will do to address the problem, and he sets clear deadlines. It’s textbook crisis management. He also announces new products that may put the […]

Corporate Attorneys & The Court of Public Opinion

[By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications] “The house could be burned down before you even smell smoke.”   In 2009, The Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics set out to study how the court of public opinion can shape legal controversies. The sources were the people on the front lines – responses gathered from a questionnaire sent […]

Body Language: Telling Your Team How You Really Feel

From one of our favorite columnists, Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D: Do you know that your team is constantly evaluating your emotions through cues in your body language – and that they can do so in a fraction of a second? At the Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging at the University of Glasgow, researchers found that it […]

SpaceX Reputation Blasts Off with Landing Flame-Outs

[by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications] In our crisis management presentations, we talk about how your reputation in a crisis can come through intact – and perhaps even enhanced – if you handle crisis communications correctly. No matter what you think of Elon Musk, we can agree that his company, SpaceX, has endured spectacular reputation hits […]

Tackling Scandal: An Interview with Hennes Communications’ Stephanie York

Scandals come in many flavors and are often tinged with sexual misconduct, fiscal mismanagement, and/or nefarious lapses in moral and ethical judgment. American City & County, the voice of state and local government since 1909, interviewed Hennes Communications VP Stephanie York about scandal and how to neutralize it with proactive communications. Here’s an excerpt: York […]

Poynter KSU Media Ethics Workshop – Fake or Fact?

ABOUT THE WORKSHOP Fake or Fact? The Poynter KSU Media Ethics Workshop is a one-day training program for professionals, educators and students that examines critical issues and perspectives in media ethics. Moderated by distinguished faculty from The Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Fla., the Media Ethics Workshop provides a unique forum for professionals and students […]

The “Fake News” Era: Trustworthy Sources in Intelligence and Due Diligence

From Danny Panton at At-Risk International: The term “fake news” has lately gotten significant traction in the business world, the political realm, and among the public. Alongside, the reliability of sources has been a hot topic for discussion. While people are entitled to believe what they want (regardless of how true the information is), untrustworthy […]

President Trump, the Russian Connection & Crisis Communications

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Some believe  President Trump and his closest advisers committed illegal acts by conspiring with Russian officials on a wide variety of political and financial activities. Some believe President Trump and his closest advisers indeed had contacts with Russian officials, but that those contacts were benign or perhaps even stupid, but […]

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