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When A Video Isn’t The Whole Story

From Scott Simon at National Public Radio: We live in times of instant mass outrage. Someone does something, says something or is seen doing something and they can be demonized with a click. The next time you might be tempted, think of this: In the fourth inning of Sunday’s game between the Chicago Cubs and […]

When Legal Strategy Sparks Outrage and Torches Your Reputation

[by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications] A lunatic methodically hauls a massive weapons cache into an MGM Resorts International hotel, the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. Over six days, unknowing hotel staff politely help him schlep his disguised gunnysacks to his suite. Thirty-two floors below, a country music festival on the Vegas Strip is in full […]

How LeBron James Mastered the Media

From Bryan Curtis, writing in The Wringer: After Game 3 of the NBA Finals, reporters surrounded Kevin Love in the Cavaliers’ locker room. ESPN’s Brian Windhorst stood at the group’s outer edge. This is an advantage of working for the Worldwide Leader; Windhorst can tap into the company’s boom mics and hear the interviews from […]

The Cost of Recovering from Self-Inflicted Wounds

By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications   Those who have weathered crisis events within their organizations know that there are many costs the event can inflict – not including the heavy emotional and personal toll on those charged with responding to it.  Some costs, such as lost business, staff defections, fines and jail time can be […]

Crisis Management Requires Truth, Not Obfuscation

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications There are some people who believe President Donald Trump and his closest advisers committed illegal acts by conspiring with Russian officials before and after the 2016 presidential election. Others believe the president and his advisers indeed had contacts with Russian officials, but that those contacts were benign and not criminal. […]

UK Terrorism Specialist Provides Sage Advice for Crisis Management and Preparation

[by Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications] We devote a lot of ink and paper to helping clients plan how they will prepare for, and then respond to, the various crisis threats their organizations may face.  In this article, reporters from The Financial summarize advice provided by Sir Mark Rowley at a London Business School event.  In six […]

The Spokesperson Blues: Why Picking the Wrong Spokesperson Can Blow Your Crisis Management Strategy

[by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications] “No comment” is never a good option for an organization in the crosshairs of controversy or crisis. It’s a frequent knee-jerk reaction by people who are unprepared for media scrutiny. “No comment” almost always comes off as “guilty as charged” in news reports. Jamming your hand over the lens of a […]

PR Warfare: When An Enemy Targets Your Firm In the Press

From Cheryl Connor, writing for Forbes: Does anybody remember Lori Cheek? Those who follow my columns may remember my story about the intrepid entrepreneur who was famously turned down in front of eight million viewers by all five investors on Shark Tank and used the experience to propel her mobile dating site, Cheekd, on her own. “That […]

Data and Privacy Breach Notification Plans: What You Need to Know

By Michael Nadeau, from CSO Online: You’ve just discovered a breach that exposes your global customers’ personal information. It’s after May 25, so you are required to report the breach within 72 hours to comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The clock is ticking. Do you know the process for reporting the […]

Are Women Leaders More Calm In A Crisis? 6 Tips On Keeping Cool

TAKE THE LEAD prepares, develops, inspires and propels women to take their fair and equal share of leadership positions across all sectors by 2025.  Here, a provocative piece by Michele Weldon: Do you have what it takes to maintain control in a severe crisis? Southwest Airlines pilot Tammie Jo Shults, a veteran pilot of three […]

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