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Speak Up or Shut Up? The Great Communication Conundrum

Tony Jaques, Director of Issue Outcomes Pty Ltd, is both colleague and friend.  Writing from Australia, he offers solid advice about when to speak – and when not to speak.  Let’s see what he has to say… When you’re in the public spotlight over a high-profile issue, the first question is often: “What shall we […]

How Utility Firms Can Power Up With Effective Crisis Communications – Part Two

From wildfires in Hawaii to hurricanes in Florida, and sweltering heat, ice storms, boil-water notices, tornadoes, and extended service outages everywhere in between, 2023 has provided many crises (or near crises) on which utility communicators must communicate. That’s why we sat down with Thomas Fladung (left), managing partner at Hennes Communications, a crisis communications firm, to assess the current state of […]

How Utility Firms Can Power Up With Effective Crisis Communications – Part One

Introduction by Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications As suppliers of essential services, utility firms are frequently on the front lines of controversies that can spark public outrage. And for public utility firms, the stakes are raised even higher. Effective communications are vital for utilities – to share important information on an ongoing basis, to keep the […]

When One Company’s Crisis Becomes Your Company’s Problem

By Mike McLean for PRNews Even the biggest companies aren’t entirely self-sustaining. They require a network of vendors and partners to grow and maintain their everyday operations, and with an extended network comes an extended realm of risk. Even with long-standing, trusted partners, you need to remember that their problems can become your own. In […]

Facing the Unexpected: Mastering Crisis Communications

By Kathleen Meyer for Business Wire Crises happen when they are least expected, which is why every organization should have a crisis communication plan in place. Crises communications refers to information that is shared when an event occurs that impacts customers or a company’s reputation. The intent is to mitigate negativity, ensure all employees and […]

Communicators Need an Arsenal of Tools to Combat Disinformation

By  Asiya Bakht for  PRovoke Media As disinformation becomes rampant, communicators and brands need an arsenal of tools to combat it effectively. These could range from social listening tools to media intelligence tools that aid in identifying emerging threats and, at times, even mitigating them, helping you to stay prepared. This was view of the […]

Once Reputation Is At Risk, So Is Money. That’s When Companies Turn to Crisis PR

By Eva Rothenberg for CNN Innocent until proven guilty might hold up in the court of law, but the court of public opinion tends to play by hazier rules. From celebrity scandals to business blunders, crisis communication is a cornerstone of public relations. It’s a specialty of PR dealing with protecting reputation, because a blow to […]

Challenging the Next Generation to Communicate Preparedness

Introduction by Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications “It seems that, just when a communication campaign has adapted to current trends, it is already out of date.” – Chris Sheach, Paul Smith’s College Creating crisis communications that resonate with a range of audiences has always been a challenge.  The advent of social media has made this task […]

Lessons Learned: The Mass Shootings in Tucson

Lessons learned are lessons planned, practiced, and shared. Each mass shooting incident has similarities and differences from all others, so articles like this one from 2012 can help better prepare all jurisdictions. By Sophia Paros for Domestic Preparedness On Saturday, 8 January 2011, at 10:10 a.m. Mountain Standard Time, a gunman opened fire on U.S. […]

Book Review: Chief Crisis Officer: Structure and Leadership for Effective Communications Response

In Chief Crisis Officer, our friend and colleague James Haggerty emphasizes the necessity for all organizations, regardless of size, to (1) have the structure in place for effective communications response, and (2) appoint a leader who can execute in the heat of the modern crisis—the “Chief Crisis Officer.” “Crisis communications planning is not merely for […]

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