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Media Training for Attorneys and Their Clients – Done on Your Schedule and at Your Convenience – In-Person or Remote

Whether it’s a staff meeting on Teams, a webinar on Zoom, a private conversation on FaceTime or a short training video you record on WebEx, it’s not just what you say, but how you say it. And if it’s an interview with a seasoned reporter, the stakes are even higher.  You must be prepared to […]

From a Police Department PIO: 10 Tips for Crisis Communications

Dionne Waugh, formerly a reporter and now a public information officer for the Boulder, Colorado Police Department, has deep experience helping police departments communicate with the public during critical incidents.  That experience includes a mass shooting in 2021 when 10 people lost their lives. In a recent article by Wayne Parham written for Police Magazine, […]

The Olive Green Sweatshirt Goes to Congress

In the seminars we teachabout crisis communications, we often talk about the fact that what you say may be less important than how you say it.  “How you say it” also includes the way you look.  Ukranian President Zelensky purposely chose not to wear a suit and tie for his recent visit to Washington, DC.  […]

Crisis Management Lessons From Southwest Airlines’ Meltdown

By Edward Segal for Forbes As Southwest Airlines struggles to recover from its weather-related meltdown, crisis management and crisis communication lessons have already emerged that business leaders should keep in mind before they have to confront their own crisis. The Importance Of Modernization “The biggest lesson other business leaders can take from the Southwest implosion is […]

New Partnership with Hennes Communications Allows Seminar Participants to Earn Credit Toward Ohio University Online Graduate Certificate

University Teams with Crisis Communications Expert Bruce Hennes in New Offering A new partnership between Ohio University’s Scripps College of Communication and Hennes Communications will allow communication professionals the opportunity to earn one credit hour towards a 12-hour graduate certificate in crisis communication. Anyone attending certain seminars taught by Hennes Communications, a crisis communications firm based in Cleveland, […]

Explainer: What is the Metaverse?

By Erika Bradbury for PRNews… What is the Metaverse? There is no one definition of it. Instead, the metaverse is an idea based on how humans can interact in a digitally immersive world. Think of the metaverse as where the virtual and physical worlds meet. The next iteration of the internet, Web3, is its power […]

Bob Dylan Apologizes for Selling $600 Books Signed With Automated Autograph Machines

By Alexandra Tremayne-Pengelly for the Observer… Bob Dylan and publisher Simon & Schuster apologized for selling books which they claimed contained Dylan’s handwritten signature, after fans realized the autographs were not authentic but automated reproductions. A collection of essays by Dylan, titled The Philosophy of Modern Song, was released at the beginning of November. Around […]

Emotionally Intelligent People Use a Simple 3-Word Phrase to Completely Change How They Deal With Criticism

By Justin Barison for Inc…. How do you respond to criticism? If you’re in a position where you have to lead others, you’re going to get criticized. Sometimes, that criticism will be valid. Other times, it will be unjustified. But in either case, the criticism is valuable–because it gives you a window into how others see you […]

Elon Musk Picked a War With Apple. Tim Cook’s Response Is a Stroke of Genius

By Jason Aten for Inc…. This week, Elon Musk turned his attention away from reviewing code just long enough to pick a fight with, of all companies, Apple. Musk, it appears, recently discovered that his plans to turn Twitter into a subscription business is at the mercy of both Apple’s App Store commission and its […]

The Club That No One Wants to Join

From Elaine Godfrey, writing in The Atlantic – Frank DeAngelis, the former principal of Columbine High School, wears two silver medallions around his neck at all times: a crucifix and a Virgin Mary pendant. He wears them because they keep him tethered to reality. Every time DeAngelis hears about a mass shooting in America, he […]

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