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Events and Emergency Comms Takeaways From Tropical Depression Henri

By Sophie Maerowitz, writing for PR News… As the climate changes and severe weather events become more frequent, all PR pros have a relatively new discipline to master: emergency weather communications. While public notices around dangerous weather conditions were once solely the realm of local governments and first responders, just about every type of organization […]

Social Media Jeopardizes our Lives

By Evan Nierman, writing for PR News… The swift downfall of “Jeopardy!” host Mike Richards is the latest example of the jeopardy that surrounds us in today’s lightning-fast unforgiving age of social media. Whether you make a wrong move, say something offensive, or have ugly skeletons in your closet, the career-ending rush to judgement can be fast […]

The Media Revolution is ‘Iterative’ and Social: Experts Share How Not to Get Left Behind

From Bar Leader, a publication of the American Bar Association: “You’re all living in a media revolution,” said Thom Fladung, vice president of Hennes Communications. “And you don’t even know it.” Offering a window onto one aspect of that revolution, Bruce Hennes, president of the same crisis communications firm, said, “I don’t think there’s a reporter […]

5 Mistakes Not To Make On-Camera

By Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications… When you appear on-camera for an interview, you are going on the record in perpetuity. Period. Excerpts will be broadcast, uploaded, archived, keyword searchable and available 24/7 on the web. You can do your organization’s brand a whole lot of good with a strong, articulate interview. But if you’re not […]

Crisis Communications in a Hostile Cyber Landscape

By Bethan Moorcraft writing in Business Insurance Australia… A few years ago, if a company suffered a cyberattack, the message they would relay was often: “We’re experiencing technical difficulties,” or “We’re dealing with a cyber incident.” But in today’s technology-first society, with ransomware and other cyberattacks so prevalent, crisis communication strategies have changed. Ransomware is […]

Disney Attacks Scarlett Johansson Instead of the Facts

From Tom Weidlich and Eric Rose writing for PR News… Actor Scarlett Johansson’s lawsuit against the Walt Disney Company is turning out to be a blockbuster. Yet, the company’s response is eliciting mostly thumbs-down reviews and providing an example of bad litigation communication. To its credit, Disney responded promptly and publicly. On the down side, […]

The Right (And Wrong) Way To Apologize For Dumb Things You Said Online

By Brittany Wong, writing for HuffPost… The Celebrity Apology™ is having a moment, with famous person after famous person apologizing for stupid things they said online in years past. Just this year we’ve had journalist Alexi McCammond apologize (and resign from a Teen Vogue editor-in-chief position) for anti-Asian and homophobic tweets. We’ve had Chrissy Teigen apologize for cyberbullying and Billie […]

7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Crisis Communications Firm

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications This article first appeared in the National Law Journal   Crisis communications is a sub-specialty of the public relations profession that is designed to protect and defend an individual, company, or organization facing a public challenge to its reputation.  Crisis communications is aimed at raising awareness of a specific type of threat, the magnitude, […]

For the Third Year in a Row, Bruce Hennes Named to LAWDRAGON Global 100 Leaders in Legal Strategy and Consulting

Hennes Communications is proud to announce that Chief Executive Officer Bruce Hennes has been named to the 2021 LAWDRAGON Global 100 Leaders in Legal Strategy and Consulting, the definitive guide to the experts in management, marketing, communication and recruiting most valued by law firm leaders.  This is the third year in a row that Hennes has been named […]

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