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Personal Crisis: You Lose Your Job. A Media Training Technique Can Help You Get a New Gig

by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications Let’s step away from talking about crises your company may face and talk about a personal crisis that millions of us face – the threat of job loss. With the COVID pandemic, job loss went viral. Millions of Americans lost their jobs to COVID. Most of us don’t have any control […]

Florida School Board Association Partners with Hennes Communications to Provide Issues Management Crisis Management & Communications Services to Members

There are scores of reasons why your district can be thrust into the news. Lawsuit…sports controversy…social media threats…active shooter… board-superintendent clash…criminal accusation…discrimination complaints…diversity issues…FERPA or HIPAA violation…fiscal mismanagement…protest… sexual misconduct…student newspaper story…challenging conversations… testing controversy…union grievance/strike… Suddenly, there’s a TV crew in the parking lot, your local newspaper is on Line One and the situation […]

Corporate America Doesn’t Want to Talk Abortion, but It May Have To

Business leaders, who have increasingly waded into social issues like racial equity and voting rights, now face whether to comment on abortion.  A recent New York Times story talks to corporate executives, business professors and others about that decision and provides examples of what some businesses are choosing to say. From Emma Goldberg, Alisha Haridasani […]

Don’t Make These Common Mistakes When You’re in a Courtroom

From Lindsey Ellefson, writing for lifehacker… Uh-oh: You have to go to court. Whether you’re a plaintiff, defendant, lawyer, or witness, the results of your trial might depend, at least in part, on how you conduct yourself in that stress-inducing room. As anyone who’s been tuning into the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial knows, courtroom behavior […]

7 Tips for Organizational Resilience All Year Round

From Mitch Mitchell, writing for Security Magazine… History has taught security teams that crisis situations can happen at any time and more frequently than anyone can anticipate. However, when a crisis does occur, organizations find themselves in a situation where survival is the main focus — the unprecedented disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic being […]

How Savvy Negotiators Read Body Language

From Carol Kinsey Goman, writing for CommPro… Because I’ve trained them to do so, I know that many negotiators have learned how to read body language and to use the resulting insights to their advantage. But I also know that other negotiators miss valuable opportunities simply because they don’t pay attention. They get so wrapped […]

Dick’s Sporting Goods Followed Its Conscience on Guns—and It Paid Off

From Jay Fitzgerald, writing for the Harvard Business School… Days after the mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, in 2018, a shaken Ed Stack, then the CEO and largest shareholder of Dick’s Sporting Goods, decided it was time for his 850-store chain to pull certain guns off its store shelves. The accused 19-year-old shooter in […]

Attention Ohio Mayors & City Managers

A Crisis Can Occur Anytime & Anywhere In the immediate aftermath of a major incident, such as a mass shooting at a mall, restaurant, school, or faith-based location, the police chief and other first responder agencies will likely be lead spokespersons.  But “major incidents” could turn into multi-day or multi-week events.  Some of those include […]

‘Off the Record’ – Think Long and Hard Before Using

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications… A reporter wants to interview you, but you don’t want to be identified as the source of the information.  What do you do? The first thing to do is to ask yourself if the risk is worth it. Even if you follow everything we suggest below, what might the repercussions […]

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