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Are Social Media Apps ‘Dangerous Products’ ?

From Joan Donovan and Sarah Parker, writing for The Conversation… “You have blood on your hands.” “I’m sorry for everything you have all been through.” These quotes, the first from Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., speaking to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and the second from Zuckerberg to families of victims of online child abuse in the […]

Is the CEO Really Your Best Crisis Spokesperson?

From our friend and colleague in Australia, Tony Jaques… Who should speak in a crisis? That deceptively simple question can help determine whether an organisation’s reputation is enhanced or irreparably damaged when things go wrong. And behind that question are two common errors in crisis management. The first error is the idea that “speaking with one voice” […]

When Legal and Communications Collide: Making the Right Choice

By Richard Levick Speaking with journalists, shareholders, customers and stakeholders is easy when the going is good. As the old saying goes, “We are all capitalists on the way up but socialists on the way down.” But when things turn bad, communications suddenly become much more challenging. As another old saying goes, “The gods of […]

Does the Boss Need to Weigh In on the War in the Middle East?

From Emma Goldberg, writing for The New York Times… After reading the details of Hamas’s attacks on Israel on Oct. 7, Brad Karp, who runs the law firm Paul, Weiss, sat at his computer and wrote a memo to his roughly 2,000 employees. He didn’t ask the firm’s spokesman to draft it; he channeled his […]

An Ex-FBI Agent Explains How to Recognize the Power Dynamics in a Room

By Stephanie Vozza for Fast Company You’ve decided to ask for a raise. Should you go into your boss’s office first thing in the morning to get it out of the way? Or wait until the afternoon? Wait until tomorrow? Your chances of success will depend on your ability to read the room. Paying attention to […]

A Resolution for Crisis Communicators: Banish Clichés

By Chris Gidez for PRNews Imagine a Jeopardy category titled, “Tired Corporate PR Phrases.” For example, “delivering solid results,” “leverage our strong position,” “people are our greatest asset,” and—perhaps the most infamous corporate cliché of all—”Safety is our top priority.” These phrases have become so over-used as to be worthless. But we continue to see them in […]

A Clean Water/Sewage Utility Offers a Season’s Greeting That Even Hallmark Would Envy

All year long, Coke, Apple, Nike and other large companies spend megabucks to create a 30 or 60-second ad for the Christmas season or the Super Bowl to win the hearts and dollars of consumers. This year, Hennes Communications gives our Top Holiday Tip of the Hat Award to…The Greater Cleveland Regional Sewer District.  Just […]

A Look Back: 2023 Biggest Fraud Trends

By Laura Burrows for Experian Information Solutions Fraud is a serious concern for everyone, including businesses and individuals. In fact, according to our 2023 U.S. Identity and Fraud Report, nearly two-thirds (64%) of consumers are very or somewhat concerned with online security, and over 50% of businesses have a high level of concern about fraud […]

The 10 Most Innovative Companies That Responded to Crisis in 2023

By Christopher Zara for Fast Company True innovation is hard enough to achieve on its own terms, but imagine trying to do it at 50 times the speed. The following 10 companies and nonprofits were recognized for creative and groundbreaking responses to emergency situations, often amid extremely high stakes and with human lives on the […]

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