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What Transparency Means Now for Leaders

By Mark Athitakis for Associations Now The past few years may well be remembered as a time when transparency was a major source of concern for leaders and their stakeholders. Like you, I probably consumed too much information about what Elon Musk was and wasn’t being forthright about at X; meanwhile, the calls for leaders […]

Why Are Corporate Boards Doing the Opposite of What Consumers Want?

By Kimberly Whitler, Julia Mahoney and Mary Kate Cary for Directors & Boards The recently released third-quarter results for AB InBev, the company formerly known as Anheuser-Busch, were stark. U.S. revenue and EBITDA declined by 13.5% and 29.3%, respectively, driven by a decline in Bud Light sales following the April 2023 Dylan Mulvaney influencer debacle. […]

Lawyers, Demigods, Outrage Management & Crisis Communications

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications At Hennes Communications, we often tell clients that they have an attorney for the Court of Law. But they have us for the Court of Public Opinion. And those two courts often require different – and at times conflicting – strategies. Attorneys have persuasive arguments for tailoring a strategy completely around […]

An Attorneys’ Guide To Crisis Communications & The Court Of Public Opinion

Need an end-of-the-year CLE? An Attorneys’ Guide To Crisis Communications & The Court Of Public Opinion Monday, December 11 9:00 am – 10:30 am eastern time 1.5 hours of CLE | Online via Zoom only To register, click here Today, with the ubiquity of the internet, the legal battlefield must include the Court of Public […]

How Communicators Can Navigate Through Cybersecurity Crises

By Sean Devlin for Ragan In today’s world, communicators must be prepared for all sorts of crises, whether they’re directly related to company operations or part of our larger society. With the news of the ICBC cybersecurity attack that disrupted treasury trading last week, it’s a prime time for communicators to consider the plans they have […]

Did You Hear What I Said? How to Listen Better

By Michael Blanding for Harvard Business School Working Knowledge It’s a common experience in the workplace: You leave a meeting feeling good about the discussion and believe everyone is on the same page. “Then you meet with someone two days later, and you realize they’re not on the same page at all,” says Hanne Collins, […]

This Is Exactly How Long People Expect You to Take to Respond to an Email — and Why It Matters

By Justin Bariso for Inc. How long should it take to respond to an email? I recently asked that question to thousands of connections on LinkedIn. I provided the following four options: A. Four hours or less B. One business day or less C. One business week or less D. None of these And the results were fascinating. […]

When ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ are Not Enough: Why it’s Time to Humanize Crisis Statements

In the wake of the Uvalde school tragedy, the frequent call that “thoughts and prayers are not enough” resonated deeply. This sentiment underscores a growing numbness towards standardized expressions of empathy and compassion, which, while well-intentioned, often fall short in the face of real crisis. As these phrases become routine, their ability to truly address […]

Speak Up or Shut Up? The Great Communication Conundrum

Tony Jaques, Director of Issue Outcomes Pty Ltd, is both colleague and friend.  Writing from Australia, he offers solid advice about when to speak – and when not to speak.  Let’s see what he has to say… When you’re in the public spotlight over a high-profile issue, the first question is often: “What shall we […]

Having Hard Conversations

Sterling Miller’s latest blog post, “Ten Things: Having Hard Conversations Inside (and Outside) the Legal Department,” provides valuable insights that are applicable not only to legal professionals but also to a broader audience in various organizational settings. This piece, like many of Miller’s writings, transcends the boundaries of legal expertise, offering universally relevant advice on […]

By | November 18, 2023 | Best Business Practices

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