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Projecting Leadership Presence in a Teleconference

From Carol Kinsey Goman, writing in CommPro… In a famous 2002 experiment, a Stanford University professor made audiotapes of physicians and their patients in session. Half of the doctors had been previously brought to court for malpractice. She then played the tapes for her students, who were able to determine which physicians had been sued. […]

Consider the ‘Message Effect’ of Inviting a Consultant to Help Your Witness

From Ken Broda-Bahm, Ph.D., writing for The Persuasive Litigator… Arriving for the preparation meeting, the witness notices that there’s someone new in the room: a communications consultant. A non-lawyer visiting from out-of-town, the consultant is introduced by the lawyer as a specialist in legal communication and as someone who “is here to help us prepare […]

How to Remove Fake Google Reviews

From Aaron Minc… Identifying Fake Google Reviews The first step in removing fake and negative reviews is learning how to identify them. Below, we cover the types of individuals who usually leave fake reviews, why they do, and how you can spot them. Who is Usually Behind Fake Google Reviews? The purpose of fake Google […]

Akros Network

Work Environment Industry Leaders Join to Create Akros Network Specialists in HR Training, Ethics, Safety, Compliance and Communications Form One-Stop Shop AKRON – October 6, 2021 – Four industry leading firms that specialize in the critical building blocks of successful organizations have formed a network giving employers one place to go for answers to high-risk […]

What Happens When You Forget What You Wanted To Say?

Introduction by Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications There are many reasons to be fearful of speaking in public.  If you’re reading this, you don’t need that list.  You already know it by heart.  I used to be one of those people, scared to death of getting up in front of a group, saying the wrong thing, […]

Mergers, Acquisitions and Management Transitions: Using Crisis Communications Principles to Achieve Better Outcomes

By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications Our firm is best known for helping clients respond to crisis threats, emergencies and similar events where reputation is on the line.  The communication response we create in these situations is designed to help an organization tell its side of the story to those who matter most. Those important audiences […]

Why Women Face Different Standards on Zoom and What to do About It

From George Bradley, writing in PRNews… Research from The Harris Poll shows 39 percent of women, but just 25 percent of men, turn off video during Zoom calls. That’s a fairly significant difference. In addition, when they turn on video, women are more likely than men to prepare (do their hair, change clothes or clean visible workspaces). […]

Don’t Let Ransomware Attackers Hold Your Communications Hostage, Too

By Thom Fladung/Hennes Communications In 1989, the first episode of “The Simpsons” aired. The Berlin Wall came down. And during the World Health Organization’s AIDS conference, one of the first documented ransomware attacks occurred – distributed via floppy disk. A mailing list of 20,000 doctors and AIDS researchers received a floppy disk that was supposed […]

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