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Lessons On How Not to Act During A Press Conference

By Arthur Solomon for PRNews The indictment of former president Donald Trump provides a lesson that young PR pros should remember: Like other powerful CEOs of Boeing, BP and Wells Fargo, to name a few, all the best PR minds combined can’t save a person or entity from the judgments of the public or law […]

Speak First or Forever Lose your Crisis Message

By Katie Paine for PRNews Anyone who has studied crisis communications knows, “he/she who speaks first owns the narrative.” Once bad news breaks, whether it is a self-inflicted crisis, accident or natural disaster, there’s a sequence that all crises follow. Something happens, the news media finds out about it and starts asking questions, and whoever […]

Silicon Valley Bank: A Masterclass in How Not to Handle a Crisis

By Lisa Ann Pinkerton for PRNews As the dust settles on the failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), ground zero might turn out to be a one-two punch of mishandled communications. First, there was a newsletter circulated by venture capitalists that may have begun an erosion of confidence. Second, TechCrunch reporter Connie Loizos called out its “convoluted press release that […]

Five Lessons From a PR Crisis: How to Handle a Social Media Disaster and Turn it into an Opportunity

By Candice Georgiadis for Fast Company Public relations is not mentioned in today’s business sphere without social media. Many see social media as a major driver of brand perception. It’s no wonder 33% of PR professionals rely on social media daily, while 17% use it weekly. For brands, 43% are more likely to make use of social […]

Workplace Conflicts? 5 Tips to Improve Communication

By Kiely Kuligowski for Business News Daily Use these five communication strategies to effectively resolve workplace conflict. Unresolved conflict can impact your company culture, employee performance and retention and bottom line. Workplace conflict is often the result of poor communication. Use clear communication strategies like active listening to resolve workplace conflict. This article is for […]

Plan Now to Avoid a Communications Failure After a Cyberattack

By Rosalyn Page for CSO Responses to recent cyber breaches suggest organizations can struggle to get the message right in the midst of an incident. While managing the communications around an incident is outside the direct purview of the CISO, having an existing communications plan in place is an essential element of cyber preparedness. “Communications […]

How You and Your Executive Can Become a Reporter’s Trusted Sources

By Seth Arenstein for PRNEWS It’s a popular refrain the PR pro hears from executives: I’m an expert on XYZ topic. So, why doesn’t the media call me for interviews? One reason is that the reliable source club is small. Anecdotally, it seems journalists have a cadre of go-to sources they tap consistently, especially when covering breaking-news stories. To some extent, […]

Communication During Crisis: Tech CEO Manages Silicon Valley Bank Collapse

By Adam Zaki for CFO Executives are on high alert — especially CFOs — after an unforgettable week in the banking world. In the aftermath of the failures of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank, and with more banks being put on notice, much of the attention has been on depositors, investors, shareholders. However, the employees of […]

AP Style Update: Style and Grammar Basics

By Nicole Schuman for PRNEWS Here, we explore grammar basics of AP style that writers use on a daily basis. occupational titles:  Only capitalize formal titles used before an individual’s name. Titles that serve as occupations should be lowercase. Also lowercase titles when they are not used with an individual’s name. Examples:  Pope Francis, the […]

Media Relations 2023: Consider Backgrounders, FAQ Pitches and Nonprofit Newsrooms

By PRNEWS At last month’s PRNews Virtual Media Relations Summit, one session, The State of Media in 2022, featured a discussion of how media relations and PR are changing as newsrooms and attention spans shrink and mis- and disinformation increase. Some takeaways: consider holding background briefings that help reporters handling multiple beats, but… authenticity is key, […]

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