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How You and Your Executive Can Become a Reporter’s Trusted Sources

By Seth Arenstein for PRNEWS It’s a popular refrain the PR pro hears from executives: I’m an expert on XYZ topic. So, why doesn’t the media call me for interviews? One reason is that the reliable source club is small. Anecdotally, it seems journalists have a cadre of go-to sources they tap consistently, especially when covering breaking-news stories. To some extent, […]

Communication During Crisis: Tech CEO Manages Silicon Valley Bank Collapse

By Adam Zaki for CFO Executives are on high alert — especially CFOs — after an unforgettable week in the banking world. In the aftermath of the failures of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank, and with more banks being put on notice, much of the attention has been on depositors, investors, shareholders. However, the employees of […]

AP Style Update: Style and Grammar Basics

By Nicole Schuman for PRNEWS Here, we explore grammar basics of AP style that writers use on a daily basis. occupational titles:  Only capitalize formal titles used before an individual’s name. Titles that serve as occupations should be lowercase. Also lowercase titles when they are not used with an individual’s name. Examples:  Pope Francis, the […]

Media Relations 2023: Consider Backgrounders, FAQ Pitches and Nonprofit Newsrooms

By PRNEWS At last month’s PRNews Virtual Media Relations Summit, one session, The State of Media in 2022, featured a discussion of how media relations and PR are changing as newsrooms and attention spans shrink and mis- and disinformation increase. Some takeaways: consider holding background briefings that help reporters handling multiple beats, but… authenticity is key, […]

Should You Worry About the Next Crisis?

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications The past few years have been challenging for businesses around the world. From the COVID-19 pandemic to natural disasters and cyber-attacks, companies have faced a range of crises that have threatened their operations and reputations. A recent report by Capterra suggests that more than half of US businesses should be […]

The Bottomless News Hole and You

By Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications It’s everywhere. You check your Twitter feed. Read a news website or the daily paper. Turn on Nightly News or NPR. It’s an unrelenting and punishing tidal wave of political news pounding us over and over again. The slightest new wrinkle in a political drama, the smallest blip on Wall […]

Will Legal Sports Betting Be The Next Communications Challenge for Businesses? Bet On It

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications On January 1, sports gambling became legal in Ohio. The ringing of virtual cash registers has been deafening. Ohio led the nation on opening weekend, with 11.3 million online sports wagering transactions – 2 million more than New York, the nation’s top market, according to Bet Ohio. Axios Columbus, citing […]

Oscar Ceremony Team on High Alert With a Crisis Communications Plan for This Sunday’s Broadcast

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications The Academy Awards ceremony is one of the most high-profile events in the entertainment industry, drawing millions of viewers from around the world. With a large audience and so many moving parts, it’s no surprise that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has created a “crisis team” to […]

How to Communicate Before, During and After Layoffs

By Sean Devlin for PR Daily With all the news of economic turmoil and layoffs at major companies in the news lately, it’s hard not to think of how these job cuts were communicated to employees. According to recent reports, Google employees were told via email, with some getting the news at 3 a.m. local time, that […]

When Crisis Threatens an Influencer-Deal Partnership

By Eric Yaverbaum for O’Dwyer’s 2022 brought no shortage of high-profile crises for brands and celebrities alike. Under Elon Musk’s thumb, Twitter has been marred by continual controversy, including imposter Twitter accounts buying verified status and pretending to be brands—a subscription service that later relaunched with a higher price tag—and at one point, Musk even mentioning bankruptcy. From an […]

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