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The Definitive Guide to Selecting The Right Spokesperson

[By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications] One of the most common decisions we encounter when clients face a crisis situation is helping them choose the individual who will serve as their spokesperson.  Rarely does anyone volunteer for this assignment and most draftees accept it with grudging resignation.  In truth, being a spokesperson is a high-risk job […]

VW’s Crisis Strategy: Forward, Reverse, U-Turn

From The New York Times:  Someday, Volkswagen’s emissions cheating scandal will be studied in crisis communications textbooks. And not in a good way. “There was something like a tsunami,” Hans-Gerd Bode, Volkswagen’s communications chief since September, said in an interview. “Thousands of calls and emails coming in at the same time.” “A crisis like this, […]

Can Chipotle’s Reputation Management Strategy Save the Brand?

From ContentStandard: A string of food contaminations in its restaurants has put Chipotle in a desperate situation. Its sales in the final quarter of 2015 dropped by nearly 15 percent, and its stock is currently below $460 after an all-time high of $758 just a few months earlier. To try and correct its course, the […]

Online Comment Boards: Learn to Swim Before Jumping in the Water

[By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications]   The first of two parts on how best to deal with online comments. Today: How to be prepared. Next: How to get involved.     John Kroll has some advice about news story online comments for folks in charge of their organizations’ reputations: Know the water before you jump […]

There’s No Spinning the Flint Water Crisis

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again:  Flint, and, in particular, the governor’s office in Michigan, don’t have a communications problem.  They have a performance problem. Sure, they need to talk to their stakeholders, quickly, clearly and with honesty and transparency.  A skilled crisis communications firm can help them with that, especially when it […]

The Difference Between Tylenol and Volkswagen: The Imagination of Disaster

When someone added cyanide to Tylenol capsules in the Chicago area in 1982, killing seven people, Johnson & Johnson, owner of Tylenol was faced with an unprecedented crisis.  How they handled that situation is still the gold standard for corporate crisis management. Today, the “gold standard” for how to not handle a crisis continues to be Volkswagen. […]

Brazil Mine Disaster Shows Value (and Harm) of Public Relations Responses

From   Within hours of a deadly mining spill in November that would become Brazil’s worst environmental disaster, BHP Chief Executive Andrew Mackenzie was in front of a camera offering his sympathies to those affected. Meanwhile, his counterpart at joint venture partner Vale SA, Murilo Ferreira, took nearly a week after the mine wastewater […]

A Bad Review Is Forever: How to Counter Online Complaints

From the New York Times: For the California restaurateur Andrew Gruel, poor online reviews demand rapid responses. One of his new Slapfish restaurants, serving sustainable seafood, was hit this year with dozens of bad reviews that complained about its prices (too high) and portions (too small). So Mr. Gruel pulled out all the stops. He […]

3 Ghosts of Crises Past — and Lessons Left Behind

[By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications] Communications crises don’t take a holiday. We can’t predict what crises will break in the short time left in 2015, but is anyone willing to bet that there won’t be at least a few? And someone’s crisis probably will arrive at a profoundly inopportune time – say, the night of […]

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