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“It Can’t Happen Here”

[by Nora Jacobs] Over the years, we’ve spoken to countless clients about the crisis threats their organizations might face.  Many willingly accept that their business might be struck by an act of God — tornados, floods and fires most often come to mind.  But a surprisingly large number of clients seem to feel immune to […]

Risky Business

[by Bruce Hennes]  According to Reputation Dividend, a company that helps quantify the economic value of reputation for publicly held businesses, few CEOs would argue that their corporate reputation isn’t one of their company’s most precious assets. Giving thought to the difference between ‘brand’ and ‘reputation,’ Sandra Macleod writes, “The value and importance of a […]

Which Comes First, the Operational Plan or the Communications Plan?

[by Nora Jacobs]  Tornados…active shooters….explosions and fires…workplace fatalities…leaks of toxic chemicals.  Given the wide range of catastrophes, accidents and attacks that threaten organizations of almost any size these days, wise management teams have taken the time to put together detailed emergency response plans. Those plans typically describe the procedures, people and resources to be deployed […]

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