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Lawyers Who Do Their Own Media Strategy Have a Fool for a Client

From our good friend, Gene Grabowski: A disturbing sidebar to the story about accusations that Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein engaged in decades of alleged sexual misconduct features the performance of his former lawyer, Lisa Bloom. Bloom, who resigned after clashing with the Weinstein Company’s board of directors, was recently exposed for presenting to the board […]

Not a Regular Cease-and-Desist, A Cool Cease-and-Desist

From The Atlantic: Phrases that are not often used to describe a cease-and-desist letter: “the best,”“hilarious,” “cool,” “perfect,” “super classy.” And yet that is exactly the praise that Netflix’s lawyers received this week, from a variety of media outlets, for going about that most lawyerly of tasks: telling people they aren’t allowed to do a thing. In this case, […]

How to Use Twitter and Facebook for Emergency Travel Information

From The New York Times: You don’t have to like Twitter or Facebook, or even post to them, but when an emergency strikes, the networking sites can be essential travel tools. As Hurricane Maria neared the Caribbean this week, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) used Twitter to disseminate shelter information. And when a powerful earthquake rocked Mexico on Tuesday, the State […]

Corporate Attorneys & The Court of Public Opinion

[By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications] “The house could be burned down before you even smell smoke.”   In 2009, The Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics set out to study how the court of public opinion can shape legal controversies. The sources were the people on the front lines – responses gathered from a questionnaire sent […]

Inside the Crisis Management War Room

One day your luck suddenly runs out, and you’re consumed by a crisis that threatens to destroy everything you and your team have worked so hard to build. Rumors go viral on social media. News reporters fill your voice mail and email with interview requests. Work grinds to a halt and your staff wants answers. […]

Cats Sleeping With Dogs: How Lawyers and Crisis Communicators Can Work Together

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications At Hennes Communications, we often tell clients that they have an attorney for the Court of Law. But they have us for the Court of Public Opinion. And those two courts often require different – and at times conflicting – strategies. Attorneys have persuasive arguments for tailoring a strategy completely […]

How Activists And Populists Now Control Your Corporate Brand — And What You Can Do About It

From our colleague, Richard Levick: “Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.” – Niccolo Machiavelli C-suite executives and board members often ask if their corporation needs a new Facebook strategy or a better way to communicate on Twitter. As pleased as I am that they’re exploring ways to institute change, I […]

The 13 Golden Rules of Crisis Management

Any business, at one point, will face some sort of a public relations crisis and the way you respond can either give you a much-needed image boost or significantly damage your brand, ultimately alienating your customer base and business partners. Especially in this day and age, when news goes viral almost instantly, organizations need to […]

Protecting Our Communities

TO:   All Akron-Area Faith-Based Institutions Do you work at a church, temple, synagogue or other house of worship? Do you manage or oversee a religious-based school, day care, community or senior center? If so, you will want to attend the seminar below, to be held at the University of Akron on Monday, July 24. Registration […]

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