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Building Trust in a Time of Turbulence

Our country is still working to make sense of the events in Washington DC on January 6th and many organizations are wondering how to maintain business-as-usual in a world already buffeted by almost a year of Covid-related disruption and tragedy.  This piece by Weber Shandwick, a global communications firm we know and respect, not only […]

Come What May, All Bad Fortune Is to be Conquered by Endurance.

By Guest Columnist Annie Searle Annie Searle is an internationally known expert in operational risk management, with extensive experience in the financial, IT and business sectors.  Once a month, she publishes her own newsletter. Given events of the past year, we thought the piece she wrote for her own newsletter did a nice job of […]

Crisis Management Lessons Learned From the 2020 Political Scene That Can Apply To Any Organization

Arthur Solomon, a former journalist, was a senior VP/senior counselor at Burson-Marsteller.  In the past, we’ve found him to be an astute observer of the scene.  Here, he offers advice aimed at public relations firms, but also applicable to any professional service firm, nonprofit, government agency or company.  Of course, Art’s opinions, written for CommPro, […]

Why You Need a Social Media Kill Switch During a Crisis

From Mark Renfree, writing in PR News: Social media is as likely a place as any for a PR crisis to start. In fact, the speed at which things can blow up on social channels make them especially fertile ground for crises. A solid crisis preparation plan will account for more than social media, of […]

Absorb Chaos, Transform It Into Calm and Give Back Hope

From Amy Boone, writing for Ethos3: At times, we are called to give presentations about new products or policies. Other times, we might be asked to inspire or challenge our audience members. But other times, we are called to speak into times of crisis. Maybe a business is losing revenue and the forecasted future is […]

Lawyers, Demigods, Outrage Management & Crisis Communications

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications At Hennes Communications, we often tell clients that they have an attorney for the Court of Law. But they have us for the Court of Public Opinion. And those two courts often require different – and at times conflicting – strategies. Attorneys have persuasive arguments for tailoring a strategy completely around […]

It’s High Season for CLE’s

It’s High Season for Continuing Legal Education Seminars TV News & The Law December 4 – 2 hours of CLE Co-Sponsored by The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, Hennes Communications and the Cleveland Jewish News Moderator:  Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications Panelists:  Adam Shapiro, former Cleveland TV news anchor, Yahoo Finance; Lynna Lai, reporter & weekend anchor, […]

A Key to Helping Clients Make Better Decisions During Crisis

From Wikipedia:  A crisis (from the Greek κρίσις – krisis; plural: “crises”; adjectival form: “critical”) is any event that is going (or is expected) to lead to an unstable  and dangerous situation unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, community, or whole society. Crises are deemed to be negative changes in the security, economic, […]

Lessons in Law Firm Reputation Management: How Firm Leaders Should Prepare for Public Scrutiny When Representing Political Clients

Less than a week after Election Day, two BigLaw firms were targeted by The Lincoln Project for the legal work they’re doing in connection with President Trump’s refusal to concede the recent election. The attacks on the firms, their employees and clients have been creative, strategic, hard-hitting and from the conversations we’ve had with attorneys […]

Situational Awareness – Election Day & Beyond

From Wikipedia: Situational awareness is the perception of environmental elements and events with respect to time or space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their future status. Situational awareness has been recognized as a critical, yet often elusive, foundation for successful decision-making across a broad range of situations, many of which involve the […]

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