Are you ready to elevate your career and become an indispensable asset to your organization? Ohio University’s prestigious Scripps College of Communication offers an exceptional opportunity that could transform your professional trajectory. Through an innovative partnership with Hennes Communications, if you recently attended a seminar with Bruce Hennes, you can receive one free credit hour […]
From our good friend and colleague, Tony Jaques, Director of Issue Outcomes Pty Ltd, in Australia… Does a CEO op-ed serve any good purpose in a crisis? Writing an op-ed to help frame an important issue is a well-established tool in the communications armoury. But when a CEO uses it to “explain” a corporate crisis, it […]
By Nick Hansen, writing for The American Bar Association “If you can see it coming, it’s not a crisis,” said Bruce Hennes, CEO of Hennes Communications, to audience members at his 2024 Bar Leadership Institute workshop “Speaking Out or Strategic Silence? Organizational Approaches to Issuing Public Statements.”Hennes, along with (now former) Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association […]
By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications It’s a simple fact: Controversies today are tried in the Court of Public Opinion more often than the Court of Law. News now breaks first on social media, with traditional media sweeping Twitter/X, Facebook and YouTube for leads. Whether your organization is immersed in crisis or dealing with a hot-button […]
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass declined to respond to criticism on Wednesday of the city’s handling of a series of wildfires that have left at least five people dead and thousands of structures burned. Bass was on a diplomatic trip to Ghana as flames tore through the Pacific Palisades and left on Saturday. Here, in […]
By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications This article highlights the critical distinction between true crisis communications and the practice of traditional public relations, especially in light of recent allegations of unethical tactics in the Blake Lively lawsuit. Crisis communications is portrayed as a principled discipline rooted in truth-telling, accountability and proactive problem-solving, unlike traditional PR, which […]
This article ran first in Crain’s Cleveland Business on December 19, 2024. By Bruce Hennes, CEO, Hennes Communications This article examines the crisis communications lessons from the tragic assassination of UnitedHealthcare’s CEO, Brian Thompson. It critiques the company’s public statements and explores the broader ethical and reputational challenges facing UnitedHealthcare in light of this tragedy […]
We are pleased to announce that Hennes Communications has been named Preferred Provider of Crisis Communications Services for the Consortium of State School Boards Associations (COSSBA). COSSBA represents 25 state school boards associations across the United States, serving more than 7,700 local public school districts. About Hennes Communications Founded in 1989, Hennes Communications is one […]
By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications Whether in-person or virtual, the kids are still in school. For the moment, however, this will be a class for the adults – and class is now in session on how to handle a social media crisis. On a Labor Day Sunday some time ago, the leadership team at a school that […]
Introduction by Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Ensuring the safety of students is a collective responsibility, with school board members and superintendents playing a crucial role. In today’s world, where school safety is increasingly at stake, it is imperative that these leaders receive adequate crisis management training and share lessons learned to effectively address the challenges […]