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The Case for Crisis Management Teamwork

[By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications]   We are often asked how we interact with a client’s legal team when a crisis strikes an organization. While the traditional view assumes that communications and legal work in constant conflict in the crisis war room, in our experience, these two disciplines can actually complement each other and build […]

Lawyers Should Not Rewrite Crisis Communications

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Hennes Communications was founded in 1989 as a full-service public relations firm.  In 2001, after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, we became one of the few firms in North America focused exclusively on crisis management and crisis communications. Since then, we frequently work with attorneys, who tend to be the “first […]

Why ‘Off the Record’ is a High-Wire Act Best Avoided

By Hennes Communications Q:  A reporter wants to interview me, and I don’t want to be identified as the source of the information.  What do I do? A:  The reporter’s goal is to interview you with no strings attached – everything you say and do can be reported. This is called “on the record” and […]

Why You Should Take Citizen Journalists with a Smartphone Very Seriously

[by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications] There are always raised eyebrows in our media training sessions when we tell participants they are always on the record – that in today’s social media world you’re not only on the record with reporters, you’re on the record whenever you talk about your company at the grocery store, on […]

A Crisis is Coming – Is Your Board on Board?

From our esteemed colleague, attorney David Wolowitz: What makes an independent school succeed or fail when crisis strikes? More often than not, the difference hinges on whether the administration and board work collaboratively. The greater the crisis, the greater the stressors on the relationship between the two. Advance planning is critical. A crisis is no […]

Why Auto-Marketing is Another Threat to Effective Crisis Management

By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications Those who know me know that I’m a travel junkie.  Time and budget prevent me from taking all the trips I’d like to take, so I do a fair amount of armchair travel. That includes skimming the daily email feed I get from Conde Nast Traveler – a publication I’ve […]

Get Inside a Reporter’s Head to Prep for a Media Interview

[by Howard Fencl] When you’re faced with a media interview on a breaking crisis or a tough issue your organization’s working through, media training experts will tell you to anticipate the toughest questions you can imagine. But taking a step further and anticipating the reporter’s approach to covering your issue is a critically important exercise. […]

Practicing Law In The Public Spotlight

Attorney Jack Bacevice joined the Cleveland firm Mansour Gavin after years as an Assistant Director of Law for the city of Cleveland. He’s handled numerous high-profile cases and is very familiar with practicing in the court of law while the court of public opinion intently watches. We’ll periodically feature a Q&A with Jack and Hennes […]

By | October 18, 2019 | Uncategorized

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