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The Exercise of Leadership as COVID-19 Rages – A Seminar for Attorneys

The Exercise of Leadership as COVID-19 Rages  The legal profession attracts a large number of individuals with the ambition and analytic capabilities to be leaders, but frequently fails to develop other qualities that are essential to effectiveness.   – Deborah Rhode, Lawyers as Leaders  Lawyers are in the anomalous position of serving as leaders but generally […]

Ashland University Professional Learning Podcast – Thom Fladung on Communication Best Practices

In this short Ashland University Professional Learning Podcast, Dr. David Silverberg interviews Thom Fladung, managing partner of Hennes Communications, one of the few firms in North America focused exclusively on crisis management and crisis communications. Fladung is also the former managing editor of The Plain Dealer and Detroit Free Press. To listen to Thom talk […]

COVID-19 Balancing Act: How to Communicate as you Reopen Your Business

[by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications] We’re all still fully engaged fighting the invisible threat of COVID-19 on every level. We’re trying to keep ourselves from getting it. We’re trying to keep our families safe. And for companies deemed non-essential, we’re trying to conduct some semblance of business while kids, cats and dogs Zoombomb our virtual […]

5 Crisis Communications Lessons from Cuomo’s Coronavirus Response

From Michael Kling, writing for Glean. Public relations experts and other commentators point to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s COVID-19 communications as an example of how leaders should speak to the public during a crisis. Business leaders and PR professionals can examine Cuomo’s press conferences for several crisis communications lessons. While the New York governor […]

Maintaining Role and Boundary Awareness When Teaching Remotely in a Time of Crisis: Being Alert to the Challenges of One-on-One Electronic Communications

From our good friend and colleague, David Wolowitz. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, most schools have instituted remote learning.  We are fortunate that so many schools and families have access to the technology to make this possible.  Not surprisingly, the sudden and unexpected shift to remote learning comes with many challenges.  One particular […]

How to Talk to Patients About COVID-19

Don’t be put-off by the title.  No matter who you are or who you’re talking to, you’ll find some excellent tips below. From Mary Beth Nierengarten, writing for ENT Today. As the numbers of people infected and dying from COVID-19 grow, so do fear and apprehension about what lies ahead. Clear, effective communication to help […]

What Customers Need to Hear from You During the COVID Crisis

Written by Jill Avery and Richard Edelman, writing for the Harvard Business School. As the COVID-19 virus pandemic began to sweep across the world, Doug McMillon and his team at Walmart watched in horror. Suddenly, they realized, tomorrow would be nothing like “business as usual” and everything in the company’s marketing plan, from retail execution […]

When and How to Emerge from Our COVID-19 Lockdown Is a Political Question; It Will Kill People Even If It’s Done Right

Everyone wants to know when we can begin going back to the lives we had just a month or so ago and when businesses will reopen. Knowing that there’s much misinformation out there, we rarely post anything about this particular portion of the COVID-15 debate, but we saw something written by someone with impeccable credentials, […]

When Court Moves Online, Do Dress Codes Still Matter?

From The New York Times: Justice is supposed to be blind. But in courtrooms, decorum matters. Judges typically dress in somber black robes. Lawyers, plaintiffs and defendants are encouraged to dress modestly to signify credibility. Does that change when court hearings are moved online to enable social distancing during the spread of the new coronavirus? Absolutely not, according […]

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