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Surviving Social Media

By Thomas Fladung, Hennes Communications The public school policy manual included this under the “Social Media Use” heading: “An employee’s personal or private use of social media may have unintended consequences.” You think? Consider a few “unintended consequences” of recent vintage involving public school representatives. A Texas high school English teacher was fired in 2019 […]

Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications Senior VP, is Recipient of PRSA Akron Tom Duke Award

It is with great pride we announce that our colleague, Nora Jacobs, senior vice president of Hennes Communications, was recently awarded the prestigious Tom Duke Public Relations Achievement Award from the Akron Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. Nora has a distinguished career providing strategic counsel to companies, associations, nonprofits and professional service […]

7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Crisis Communications Firm

Crisis communications is a sub-specialty of the public relations profession that is designed to protect and defend an individual, company, or organization facing a public challenge to its reputation. Crisis communications is aimed at raising awareness of a specific type of threat, the magnitude, outcomes, and specific behaviors to adopt to reduce the threat.   […]

Alaska Airlines’ CEO Just Taught a Master Class in Crisis Communication

By Minda Zetlin for Inc. – Facing a raft of cancellations, Alaska Airlines CEO Ben Minicucci did something highly unusual–perhaps unprecedented. He sent a video message to all of the airlines’ employees and frequent flyers apologizing for the problem and explaining what the company is doing to fix it. It’s a brilliant piece of crisis communication […]

Newspaper Giant’s New Editorial Approach Creates Crisis Communications Challenges

By Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications – Surprise! Fewer and fewer newspaper readers pore over editorial pages. So many fewer, that publishing giant Gannett recently announced a sweeping change in its approach to editorials, op-eds and political endorsements. Gannett says its readers don’t want to be told what to think – that editorial content is frequently the […]

Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications – Having a crisis consultant in your contact list is nice, but no substitute for having a plan in place. For companies and organizations, written, tested and ready-to-go business continuity plans should be  part of doing business. Typically, those plans include the step-by-step operational response procedures to follow in the […]

The Staff of Uvalde’s Local Paper Cover the Worst Day of Their Lives

From Rachel Monroe, writing for The New Yorker – The paper’s employees lost neighbors, acquaintances, and a daughter in a school shooting. Then they had to report the story. The news, as it initially came over the police scanner in staticky bursts of information, was confusing. A shooting, a car crash, a man with a […]

Chaotic Communication Adds to Pain of Texas School Shooting

From Christopher J. Tennyson, writing for Crisis Quotient Blog – In the Early Hours of a Crisis, Getting Things Right Trumps Fast Response We’re all still processing the horror of last week’s mass murder in Uvalde, Texas. Continuing confusion about just what happened at Robb Elementary School that day is adding to the pain being […]

Why Wall Street Can’t Escape the Culture Wars

By Paul J. Davies, writing for Bloomberg – Wall Street has always been involved in politics even if bank bosses sometimes want to pretend disinterest. In the past, they were able to stick mainly to battles about tax and regulation. Now, it is ever harder to avoid the U.S. culture wars. Citigroup Inc. Chief Executive […]

How PR Pros Can Avoid Overused Phrases to Express Sympathy

By Hinda Mitchell, with Inspire PR Group… Our nation has not been without a crisis for some time. In local communities, there are crises nearly every day. In families and relationships there are unfortunate, tragic events, unnecessary deaths, injuries and accidents. My purpose in writing is not to minimize any of these; each takes a […]

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