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Why Recent Layoffs and Unaddressed Employee Grief Are Hurting Your Company’s Bottom Line

By Megan Shen for Entrepreneur It’s no mystery that continued major waves of layoffs in the tech industry are causing suffering for those who are being laid off. But a major elephant in the room is overlooked among remaining employees: grief. Ignoring the grief that the remaining workers are experiencing threatens to impact the remaining workers’ well-being and companies’ bottom […]

Don’t Over-Think the Grim News from the Washington Post

By Jack Shafer for Politico It was 30 years ago that novelist-filmmaker-physician Michael Crichton lowered his stethoscope to the chest of the media business and denounced it as dying, if not dead. The diagnosis began as a National Press Club speech, but he promptly adapted it into magazine form and published it in Wired under the […]

Facing the Unexpected: Mastering Crisis Communications

By Kathleen Meyer for Business Wire Crises happen when they are least expected, which is why every organization should have a crisis communication plan in place. Crises communications refers to information that is shared when an event occurs that impacts customers or a company’s reputation. The intent is to mitigate negativity, ensure all employees and […]

Why Investing in Reputation Management is Crucial for Your Business Strategy

By Adam Petrilli for Entrepreneur Business reputation is the public perception of the brand, its products or services and its treatment of employees and customers. A good reputation serves a company well, but a lousy reputation inflicts damage and potential ruin. That is not to say a company cannot come back from negative reviews or missteps. Reputation management is […]

Communicators Need an Arsenal of Tools to Combat Disinformation

By  Asiya Bakht for  PRovoke Media As disinformation becomes rampant, communicators and brands need an arsenal of tools to combat it effectively. These could range from social listening tools to media intelligence tools that aid in identifying emerging threats and, at times, even mitigating them, helping you to stay prepared. This was view of the […]

Once Reputation Is At Risk, So Is Money. That’s When Companies Turn to Crisis PR

By Eva Rothenberg for CNN Innocent until proven guilty might hold up in the court of law, but the court of public opinion tends to play by hazier rules. From celebrity scandals to business blunders, crisis communication is a cornerstone of public relations. It’s a specialty of PR dealing with protecting reputation, because a blow to […]

Interested in Crisis Communications? If You Attended One of Our Seminars in the Last Few Years, We Can Help Arrange for You to Receive One Free Credit Hour Towards a Graduate Certificate in Crisis Comm’s.

Are you a mid-career professional seeking to boost your career prospects and make a real impact in the world of crisis communication? Ohio University’s Scripps College of Communication has an exciting opportunity that could transform your future. In partnership with Hennes Communications, they’re offering a unique chance to earn graduate certificate credit in crisis communication. […]

Challenging the Next Generation to Communicate Preparedness

Introduction by Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications “It seems that, just when a communication campaign has adapted to current trends, it is already out of date.” – Chris Sheach, Paul Smith’s College Creating crisis communications that resonate with a range of audiences has always been a challenge.  The advent of social media has made this task […]

Best Practices for Securing Your Home Network

National Security Agency | Cybersecurity Information Sheet You’ve heard of the FBI and CIA. How about the NSA? The National Security Agency (often referred to as No Such Agency) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). The NSA is responsible […]

How to Defuse Fake News

By Bob Ward for The Guardian Can you spot fake news? Here are the headlines of three recent stories that received wide coverage: “Putin issues international arrest warrant for George Soros”; “A baby born in California was named heart eyes emoji”; “Criminal farts so loudly he gives away his hiding place”. Did you recognise that […]

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