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Bill Cosby’s Team Comes Out Swinging Against Accusers

[by Bruce Hennes]

Bill Cosby has repeatedly refused to talk about decades-old allegations of sexual misconduct. Meanwhile, his legal team has launched an aggressive, organized and expensive effort to quash accusations by attacking the accusers’ characters and motives, according to The New York Times.

Sure, it’s possible that Cosby is not guilty of any of the alleged crimes.  It’s also possible that one or more of the women is making false accusations, perhaps even to the point of criminal extortion.

If Cosby is truly innocent, he should be declaring that forcefully.  By refusing to actively participate in his own defense in the Court of Public Opinion, Cosby now is in the nearly inescapable position of being publicly declared a Villain – and the women claiming rape, who are clearly Victims in this situation, have also claimed the role of Vindicators – speaking out on behalf of all women who have been victimized by sexual predators.

But we question the tactics of Mr. Cosby’s attorneys.  In our experience, by attacking the Victim, the Villain actually reinforces his own role as Villain. This is exactly what Cosby’s legal team is now doing on his behalf.

Ask yourself this question:  If I told you I was 100% positive that Bill Cosby is innocent of all charges, would you believe me, even for a moment?  Probably not because, like most Americans you’ve already decided that Bill Cosby is the Villain – regardless of any facts I might present.

Decades-old, two-person crimes with no witnesses or forensic evidence are notoriously difficult to solve.  Unfortunately, there is no infallible truth serum.  We can only hope, perhaps naively, that the truth will somehow come out.

Meanwhile, we know from experience that attacking the Victims will not prove your innocence.

To see the New York Times story, click here:

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