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Do You Have a Few Minutes to Spare?

The Best Super Bowl Commercials of All Time   The Drum
Go ahead, argue amongst yourselves.

All of the 2022 Super Bowl Commercials   Parade

Local News Reporter’s Resurfaced Deadpan Analysis of February Goes Viral
In a video that only Lou Grant would love (though he’d never let you know it), this St. Louis reporter has no love for the second month of the year.  If it’s levity and inspiration you seek, do not watch this video.

Who Makes the Fake Languages for Hollywood?  Unsung Science with David Pogue
The first time you heard “Star Trek” characters speaking Klingon, or the “Game of Thrones” characters speaking Dothraki and High Valyrian, you might have assumed that the actors were just speaking a few words of gibberish, created by some screenwriter to sound authentic.  But in fact, they’re invented languages, complete with syntax, grammar, and vocabulary, commissioned by Hollywood executives.

The Best, Worst, And Funniest Corrections From 2021  BuzzFeed News

By | February 14, 2022 | Uncategorized

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