As CEO of Emergency Preparedness Group, Clay Pacheco is of counsel to Hennes Communications, partnering with the firm to offer state-of-the-art crisis management training exercises and related consultations.
Mr. Pacheco has more than 20 years of experience in emergency preparedness planning, training, and exercise programs. He has extensive experience in developing customized training and complex exercises for all hazards and is extremely knowledgeable in EOC operations and AHIMT development and implementation for special events, incidents and disasters. Mr. Pacheco is a FEMA/DHS grants, emergency management and Homeland Security subject matter expert due to his previous roles as the Deputy Director/Grants Administrator for Duval County Emergency Management/Jacksonville, Florida Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) and as an Operations Section Chief for the Miami-Dade County Emergency Operations Center, Mr. Pacheco provided executive level leadership and administration for a wide range of senior management functions for Duval County Emergency Management. Mr. Pacheco was responsible for the day to day operations of the division as well as the EOC during activations, to include all aspects of departmental COOP planning, training, exercises, response, recovery and emergency operations. Mr. Pacheco managed all planning, training and exercise programs for the division including: ICS & EOC Position Specific Training and Incident Management Team (IMT) Training and development, HSEEP compliant full-scale exercises, Pandemic Influenza Continuity Planning and Training. Mr. Pacheco also served as the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Coordinator and Grant Administrator for the Jacksonville UASI and was responsible for the reaccreditation of Jacksonville (first in the U.S.) by the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP).
In addition, Mr. Pacheco was part of the original four person working group that developed Duval County EOC/Area Command’s ICS based EOC organizational structure for incident management that was identified by FEMA as a national best practice and is utilized in FEMA’s ICS 400 course video.
Mr. Pacheco is a veteran emergency manager who has the following experience: