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The First 20 Minutes: 6 Tips for Communicating When a Crisis Hits

From DCInno:  Picture this: A user of your new on-demand service just posted a story to her blog about a terrible experience, and major media outlets are now reporting on the story. Someone discovered your app is inadvertently making users’ private information public, and now they’re outraged. Your company’s founder posted an offensive rant to Facebook.

How you respond to crises can make all the difference. Now that news is transmitted instantly around the world over social media, with real-time pictures and videos, there is little to no time to position, posture or even understand the facts before you’re pressed to make a public statement.

While effective crisis communications is no easy task for even the biggest and most polished companies, it can be absolutely daunting for startups—especially if none of the founders have much experience dealing with the press.

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