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The Ultimate Media Interview Checklist

A large, broadcast-quality camera is aimed at you. Lights blind your vision. And a perfectly made up and coiffed reporter is holding a mic under your face.

You try hard to look cool, but you can feel the sweat dripping down your back. Your breaths are shallow. You can barely remember what you wanted to say, let alone what question was just asked.

You cringe inwardly as you realize you’ve been rambling. Or stammering and stumbling over your words. Or all of the above.

If this is what media interviews are for you, you’re not alone.

You know the value of media interviews. They’re your opportunity to get your message out into the world. They can bring you more business, attract partners and investors, and enhance your credibility.

Yet when you do get the chance to do one, you dread it. It’s not your fault.

Here’s what you need to know to ace that interview.

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