It’s rarely a good idea to “strike back” at bloggers, flamers and trolls who defame and skewer others on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms. The urge to attack may be overwhelming, but we advise against anything that will make a bad situation worse by drawing further attention to the original attacks.
Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling recently fired back at people who posted disgusting comments about his daughter on Twitter, showing the same aggressive attack style he famously displayed on the mound. It all started when Schilling sent out a Tweet congratulating his daughter for earning a spot on a softball team. According to Schilling, he “contacted nine boys” who went after his daughter. Among the nine, five were college athletes. “I heard someone say it perfectly, ‘some of these guys have ruined 140K scholarships in 140 characters.’” Schilling said in an interview.
Did Curt Schilling make his daughter’s problem go away? Of course not. He may feel better, but we guarantee that the number of eyeballs on the original offensive Tweets was multiplied exponentially. What if he had, instead, taken the conversation offline and contacted their schools and employers directly?
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