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When to Use Subject Matter Experts as Spokespeople

[By Nora Jacobs]

Our counsel to clients facing challenging situations requiring media interaction is to select one key spokesperson and train that person to use the messages the organization wants to convey.  That’s because we’ve found having one spokesperson almost always improves the effectiveness of message delivery.  In most cases, those messages focus on the “big picture,” addressing the major points that need to be communicated.

But what about those cases that involve technical capabilities and specialized knowledge?  No spokesperson should try to speak to areas beyond his or her expertise. But at the same time, a client’s case sometimes can be greatly helped if the reporter gains a more in-depth understanding of the subject under investigation. That’s where subject matter experts can play a valuable role in carrying out a successful media relations strategy.  Depending on the situation, a story can be greatly enhanced by offering input from someone in Human Resources, Legal, Operations, Health & Safety, Environmental, R&D, or any of a number of places within the organization.

Just like key spokespeople however, subject matter experts need to be carefully prepared to tell their story effectively.  Media training should focus on helping them deliver their messages, and provide them with guidance and techniques for avoiding comments that are outside their purview.

Who makes a good subject matter spokesperson? First, of course, look for someone with thorough knowledge of the subject at hand.  Then, look for someone who is comfortable speaking to groups, can clearly convey complex ideas in layperson’s language and isn’t afraid to have his/her thinking challenged.  Look for someone who remains cool under fire and especially look for someone who is willing to learn new techniques, and take suggestions and criticism constructively.  Most important, look for someone who is passionate about your organization and truly believes in the work you are doing.

In our experience, nothing trumps sincerity and passion when you are trying to tell your story to those who don’t know your organization as well as you do.

Photo Credit:  Centers for Disease Control

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