By Nick Sonnenberg for Inc.
It’s no secret that we’re currently facing the possibility of an economic downturn. And the reality is that business leaders need to be resilient if they want to make it through unscathed. There are plenty of ways to prepare for situations like these, but shifting your mindset can be just as powerful as any business tactic.
In his new book, Go For Stupid: The Art of Achieving Ridiculous Goals, he outlines the three common mindset traits that all successful people he’s encountered have. They’re all focused around resiliency, so whether you need to prepare for an economic downturn or you simply want to become a better business leader, I’d highly recommend you read closely–and start shifting your thinking.
To build more resilient relationships, Sims suggests seeking out people with shared “values, standards, commitments, and beliefs” for a stronger and more fruitful connection.
Leaders also have the opportunity to create a culture with a shared set of values, beliefs, and goals to unite their team. As Sims notes, when leaders prioritize relationships and culture, they can bring together people who have different skill sets and strengths to achieve great things. A shared culture provides a common language and framework that allows for effective collaboration, even when team members have different areas of expertise.
Moral of the story? The people who you share values, standards, commitments, and beliefs with will always be your strongest connections. Seek them out and prioritize them, even when money isn’t involved. For more, click here.