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10 Powerful and Simple Body Language Tips for 2015

Whenever Hennes Communications trains clients for public speaking – either to the media or other audiences – we always teach that it’s not just the words you use, it’s the way you deliver them.

Over the decades, we’ve seen hundreds of examples of good and bad delivery.  What they have in common is the effective, or ineffective, use of nonverbal cues that reinforce what’s being said. The way you stand, gesture, nod, smile, frown or pace all sends a message to your audience that will incline it to either believe – or not believe – what you have to say.

Dr. Carol Kinsey Goman suggests that “evidence from psychology, neuroscience, sociology, anthropology, and communication studies has given nonverbal communication new credence in the workplace,” offering 10 powerful, simple – and sometimes surprising – body language tips from recent research studies, which you can read in full here.



Photo Credit: Wikipedia

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