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Crisis Management Today

June 9, 2024
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Our Perspective

Speaking Out or Staying Silent: A Guide to Creating Communications Plans for Bars
Not having a communications plan for your bar association (or any organization) can put you at risk of reputational harm. By gathering your team and brainstorming how your bar should react to different scenarios ahead of time, you can alleviate the stress before a situation escalates. “The gold standard for being prepared to respond quickly, almost instantly to a crisis situation, is to have a plan,” said Bruce Hennes, CEO of Hennes Communications, to audience members at his 2024 American Bar Association Bar Leadership Institute workshop “Speaking Out or Strategic Silence? Organizational Approaches to Issuing Public Statements.” Hennes, along with Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association CEO Becky Ruppert McMahon, explained why it is important for bars to develop a communications plan for when a rapid response is needed, as well as when bars want to proactively comment on a situation. 
Scripps College of Communication and Hennes Communications
Hennes Communications and Ohio University Partnership Allows Seminar Participants to Earn Graduate Certificate Credit
If you've attended one of our crisis comm seminars over the last few years, we can help arrange for you to receive one free credit hour (worth $525) towards a graduate certificate in crisis communications (online) from the prestigious Scripps College of Communications at Ohio University. “Effective crisis communication is undoubtedly the most important element in managing a crisis. By establishing a strong academic foundation and acquiring real-life skills, professionals can better prepare and execute effective crisis communication strategies,” said John Born, former director of Ohio’s Department of Public Safety, and current visiting assistant professor and executive-in-residence in the Scripps College of Communications and the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service.  

In the News

Shattered Laptop
Leading in a Crisis: Committing to Clear Crisis Communications
In every crisis, it is essential that government and public sector leaders provide a compelling story. A good crisis narrative teaches the public about the realities of the predicament. It conveys what leaders know, do not know and cannot know, and what they are doing to figure out as much as possible. It recognises emotions and sacrifices. It conveys social norms and political commitments. It instills hope and radiates confidence. An effective crisis narrative shapes public perceptions and channels public emotions and collective behavior in positive directions. We call this ‘meaning-making’ and it is a critical task of crisis management.
Three Must-Haves in Your Next Press Release
As the media landscape continues to change at a dizzying pace, it can be difficult for PR and communications pros to keep pace. Layoffs continue to mount, while the manner in which news is delivered and consumed by audiences is constantly evolving. Despite these rapid changes, one thing remains for certain when it comes to generating earned media: the press release still matters.
communicating company strategy
3 Ways to Clearly Communicate Your Company’s Strategy
For all the communication around strategy, we know that leaders at many companies don’t provide the necessary context for employees to understand what the words and sentences in a strategy statement actually mean. What can leaders do to help employees understand enough context to understand a strategy? In this article, the authors offer three recommendations: 1) Present the alternatives considered and explain why they were not adopted. 2) Explain how each choice is linked to the organization’s purpose. 3) Involve employees in strategy development.
What’s With the Rise of “Fact-Based Journalism”?
Here’s a term you may be hearing with increasing frequency: “Fact-based journalism.” The Associated Press uses it in fund-raising appeals, as does ProPublica, and our local NPR affiliate. The National Association of Broadcasters and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting both describe themselves as purveyors of “fact-based journalism” in their public relations materials.
Intense Team Meeting
5 Reasons It’s Time to “Unlike” Social Media for Risk Management
More than 3.5 billion people use Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp, and more than 200 million businesses use Facebook tools to communicate with their customers. Social media platforms are the primary means of both receiving information and communicating for many organizations, but power outages can have a profoundly negative impact, both financially and in terms of reputation.
Hennes - Chambers

Our Upcoming Seminars

6/21/24 Consortium of State School Boards Leadership Conference
6/25/24 Ohio State Bar Association
6/27/24 Mandel Course for Advanced Leadership
8/2/24 Ohio Municipal League
9/24/24 Ohio Trucking Association
9/27/24 Center for Public and Nonprofit Management, Cleveland State University
10/21-23/24 Managing Partner Bootcamp
10/28/24 Massillon Chamber of Commerce
11/20/24 N.E. Ohio Association of Financial Professionals
12/9/24 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association
12/13/24 Northern Ohio Area Chambers of Commerce
3/21/25 Consortium of State School Boards Annual Conference
Hennes & School Boards Associations
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