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“Thanks, and I Hope We Never See You Again!”

A Holiday Wish from Hennes Communications

[by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications]

As you might well imagine, there are emotional hazards associated with working as a crisis consultant. Though every client is happy – or at least, relieved – to see us walk in the door as a crisis is breaking and their reputation is threatened, when their issue begins to resolve, we have frequently been told “…thank you so much for your help – I hope we never see you again!” When reporters we know spot us at public events, they immediately wonder if they’re about to be clued in on a new catastrophe. Lawyers, nervous about their clients uttering a peep to the media, sometimes give us the piercing stink eye. We know it comes with the territory, and we know it’s all good cheeky humor. (At least we hope it is.)

In the throes of the holidays, we sometimes wish we could lighten up. Just a bit. We’re really just regular folks. Of course, we have our own reputation to manage. But even minor details – should we smile for our website headshots or does that send the wrong message? – can tangle us in philosophical filibuster.

So we’ve decided to let some of our creative ad agency colleagues spread a bit of holiday cheer on our behalf. Here are some of the most creative ad agency holiday greeting videos we’ve seen this year. Our wish? That you, your families and your colleagues have a wonderful and crisis-free holiday!

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